اختر إحدى الرحلات من معرض الرحلات الموجودة في الأسفل، فهذه البرامج معدة خصيصا لك أو يمكنك أن تخطط رحلتك بنفسك من هذا الزر
إن أهم ما يميز خدماتنا هو أننا نضع بين يديكم مجموعة كبيرة من الخدمات التي يمكن أن تحتاجها عندما ترغب في السفر او السياحة
إلى أي مكان حول العالم. أي أنكم ستحصلون على كل المطلوب من مكان واحد وفي أسرع وقت وبأفضل الأسعار.
Shamra = safe trip ,honest treatment ,accurate bookings ,managing cost and application ,reliable traveling ,any time services
Shamra Travel for me is more than a professional travel agent ... Shamra u r my good memories agent .. my passion with travel agent.. Thanks for all the joy you gave me when I trusted your national and international trips and all the care when I needed to travel anywhere
I was very impressed with Shamra Travel booking service. This was our third time booking holiday through Shamra Travel, Everything was great and very competitive price. The whole process was very straightforward and I was helped through my booking by a very knowledgeable member of staff. Frankly speaking, it is the best travel agency in Syria I ever used and I highly recommended to deal/book with them.
-Rani Mamlouk/ Lotus Shipping Syria